Another option for eminent domain
Congratulations to Ms. Eisenstein and her colleagues on their success before the United Sates Supreme Court regarding the property in Mattituck (What’s next for Mattituck park project?” Dec. 5).
In my opinion, eminent domain should also be considered for the land occupied by the Arcade department store on Front Street in Greenport.
I think a use similar to that planned for the Capital One site in Mattituck would benefit the community.
John Viteritti
Still undermining Trump
In response to a previous letter (‘You can’t believe in democracy only when you win,’ Nov. 21), I would like to express my opinion that the writer is misinformed. J6 was a setup to get Trump! More and more evidence is coming out (videos showing the cops ushering the peaceful people into Congress) and more will show how it was a setup. And Biden won by the Dems cheating; that’s clear! The J6 Committee will be investigated soon and so will Liz Cheney for destroying records from that committee.
And how did the last four years work out for you? We are on the cusp of a nuclear war as we speak. What is that all about? They are still trying to undermine Trump even before he’s inaugurated! And how is it that all the cases against Trump have been dropped? Bogus, that’s why! Do your research!
Barbara LaCorte Latham
Let’s go, ladies!
It was a pleasure to read the article about Mary Eisenstein (What’s next for Mattituck park project? Dec. 5). We need more of her likeness in Southold Town. Ladies, I know you’re out there: smart, savvy and willing to learn and get to know the topics of our growing and expanding “gem,” the North Fork.
Elaine Goldman
Our children are a top priority
Children are the future of the human race. To that end, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed two new laws to increase the resources available for pregnant mothers. These laws will expand the information available to expecting mothers, so they are fully informed when they select a maternal health care provider — and will also expand Medicaid coverage to certain telemedicine procedures.
Gov. Hochul has prioritized addressing the maternal mortality crisis, including by creating the nation’s first-ever paid prenatal leave initiative, which takes effect on Jan. 1.
Kudos to the Legislature and governor, but we need more. We must fund free breakfast and lunches in schools, regardless of income. Feeding children’s stomachs will raise their ability to learn. There is so much hunger in this state and country. Feeding children is a first step. Not embarrassing kids by using income to determine eligibility is just common sense.
Rosellen Storm