Paul Saferstein performing at the Port Washington senior center talent show, photo submitted by Debbie Greco
Port’s Got Talent is an event to benefit the Port Washington Adult Activities Center. This year, It was another huge success.
The 6th Annual event, which features many of Port Washington’s local talent, was held on Saturday, October 19 at Landmark on Main Street. A record number of sponsors along with the show’s attendees made this year the most successful Port’s Got Talent ever.
This community talent show supports and raises funds for the Port Washington Adult Activities Center at 80 Manorhaven Blvd. The Center provides education, workshops, fitness programs, and daily meals for senior citizens in the Port
Washington community and beyond.
Port’s Got Talent is the Center’s biggest and most important fundraiser of the year for the Center. The evening was hosted by Adult Activities Center board member and lifetime entertainer Warren Schein. The evening ended with a wonderful rendition of “Knock Three Times” led by fabulous local singer Dave Franklin with help on the chorus from many audience members.
Thanks to all of the show’s amazingly talented performers (in order of appearance): Warren Schein, Frank Sanchez, Sophia Zappala, Hannah Mount, Jennifer Scotto Robinson and James Robinson, Sheila Saferstein, Bobby Garofalo, Tara Rajan, Edith
Oyarzun, Ryan Messinger, Jacob Malcom, Amelie Denton, Annie Krivin, Holly Marcell, Samanta Richard, Viktor Straessor, Charlotte Waltz, Joia Zahner, Dennis Reardon, Gabe Germain, Judy Doyle, Nancy Rozakis Valentine, Dr. Nicholas Rozakis,
Reno Bracchi, Paul Saferstein, and Dave Franklin. Many thanks to the more than 60 sponsors consisting of community-minded
businesses and residents.