Judicial Expert: Filibuster Is The Only Thing Keeping Democrats From Packing The Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court is seen in Washington, DC, on May 4, 2020, during the first day of oral arguments held by telephone, a first in the Court's history, as a result of COVID-19, known as coronavirus. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
The US Supreme Court is seen in Washington, DC, on May 4, 2020, (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Staff Gabriella Sable
12:29 PM – Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Senator Ron Wyden introduced a bill in September to pack the Supreme Court by going from nine to 15 justices in the next 15 years. The President of the Judicial Crisis Center, Carrie Severino, told One America News that Democrats are concerned about not being able to control the court. 


“I think a lot of people on the Left are concerned that they can’t control the outcome of the Court,” said Severino. “And so they are going to try to exert control over the court in other ways.”

Serverino says the only thing keeping the Democrats from packing the Court is the filibuster.

“[The filibuster] really is the one thing stopping Democrats from doing something that would be so damaging to the Supreme Court as an institution,” Severino said. “Like just adding justices simply for the sake of gaining a partisan majority on the Court.” 

The filibuster requires a 60-vote threshold for most legislation in the Senate. If removed, only a simple majority in the Senate would be needed to pass legislation. 

Severino argues that donor money is a driving factor behind removing the filibuster.

“It’s an issue that is actually very unpopular, even amongst Democrats,” Serverino stated. “But has become very popular amongst democratic elites,” Severino continued. “I think it’s in part because the big money behind it and democratic senators have really fallen in line behind this kind of messaging, even though most Americans realize how bad it would be.”

President Joe Biden, for example, was against court packing in the 1980’s, but Severino says he is now for it because of money.

“In the eighties, [Biden] called Court packing a bonehead idea,” Severino explained. “But because of the deep pockets in the democratic party now, and the most radical liberals are so in favor of this, he was forced to move to the left and start embracing that idea.”

According to Severino, adding more justices to the Supreme Court would just make it more partisan.

“When Republicans come into power again, the only thing they could do is add more justices to balance it out,” Severino argues. “It is one way to keep on increasing the size of the Court and further politicizing it.”

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