Fox Host Targeted by Libs After They Invent Perverted Misinterpretation of Innocuous Comments About Kamala

And so it begins.

Three years after the chaotic, humiliating withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan under President Joe Biden’s watch, the new Democratic standard-bearer in 2024 — Vice President Kamala Harris — is coming under fire from Donald Trump and other conservatives for her role in the debacle.

And, make no mistake, she definitely had a role. Just ask Kamala Harris, talking with CNN’s Dana Bash in April 2021 when discussing the finalization of Afghan withdrawal plans (which happened in a much less tidy fashion than was being planned at the time, in part because of the shortcomings of said planning).

BASH: “President Biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was for President Obama.”
HARRIS: “Yes.”
BASH: “He just made a really big decision, Afghanistan.”
HARRIS: “Yes.”
BASH: “Were you the last person in the room?”
HARRIS: “Yes.”
BASH: “And you feel comfortable?”
HARRIS: “I do.”

Let’s fast forward the tape a bit to the repercussions of the decision. Harris was the last person in the room with the president when it was decided, which she says she felt perfectly comfortable with:


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That went well.

Now, if this is who Kamala Harris is as a decision-maker, one of two things will happen if (heaven forfend) she becomes president. First, she continues to blunder and blunder, and we see more military cargo planes swamped with desperate Ukrainians and/or Taiwanese. Or, two, she just listens to the “experts” because she has (not wrongly) no trust in her own judgment in these matters, having screwed up once before.

Is this a fake controversy?

Jesse Watters of Fox News thinks it’s the latter. So now, liberals are seizing upon a clip of his take on the matter — not because he’s wrong, but because, if you have a filthy mind, it can sound demeaning.

The short clip in question came from Monday’s edition of “The Five,” where the panel was discussing Donald Trump criticizing Harris’ role in the Afghanistan withdrawal.

“This is where the president has his most impact,” Watters said. “You have a lot of room to maneuver there as commander in chief.

“We don’t know who she is. We don’t know what she believes. She’s going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her.”

Panelist Jeanine Pirro noted the accidental double entendre: “I don’t like that,” she said, in a mocking tone.


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“Figuratively,” Watters said.

“Take it back,” Pirro said, laughing.

“Have her way with her! Control her! Not in a sexual way,” Watters continued.

Now, in no realistic universe would anyone believe that this double entendre was meant deliberately to invoke pornographic imagery involving the prospective commander in chief and U.S. military brass. But we don’t live in a realistic universe any more, so guess what? The outrage machine clicked into high gear.

Take logic-proof former Biden stan — now logic-proof Kamala stan, for obvious reasons — Harry Sisson, a liberal influencer who says less in more words than any human being on TikTok, which is quite the achievement. He’s outraged — outraged! — that Jesse Watters would do something like this:

People with more credibility (although this is relative) also echoed similar sentiments. Yashar Ali, social media gadfly and contributor to New York Magazine and HuffPost, also wondered aloud if “Watters [would] use this sexualized language when describing a straight man.”

Probably, considering it wasn’t meant as sexualized language unless you have a filthy mind. Even Jeanine Pirro, who caught the double entendre, was joking. These people aren’t.

And my, there are a lot of them:

Beyond Watters’ innocuous (and, in regards to Harris’ ability to lead militarily as commander in chief after the Afghanistan debacle, true) remarks, let’s just recapitulate the last few weeks for the Democrats.

First, in his first speech in his capacity as Kamala Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz made an obscene joke based on a false internet rumor involving Trump’s running mate achieving orgasm via sexual congress with a couch. No liberal outrage.

Then, at the Democratic National Convention, former President Barack Obama — held up by the party as a paragon of decency, sanity and wholesomeness — made an obviously obscene joke about the size of Donald Trump’s genitalia (or “crowd size,” to use Obama’s euphemism) in front of the nation and the world on live TV. No liberal outrage.

On Monday, on Fox News, Jesse Watters made a comment that could be interpreted, if one’s brain is in the gutter, in a risqué manner. It’s fairly clear from context that it wasn’t meant that way — but fire the guy, stat! 

And as for Harris’ failures in Afghanistan? What failures in Afghanistan?

It all raises the question: If it weren’t for double standards, what standards would the Democrats have?

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).


Morristown, New Jersey


Catholic University of America

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English, Spanish

Topics of Expertise

American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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