Watch: Newsom Boldly Claims California is National Model on Homelessness – We Have The Numbers

Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Tuesday that his state was the “national model” for dealing with homelessness, but the abysmal numbers show just the opposite.

The Golden State and its underwhelming handling of the homeless crisis have long been a topic of online discussions as things such as the human defecation map of San Francisco made their way through social media.

Essentially everyone and his mother is aware that California has a massive homeless crisis that is not being handled well by the state government.

According to data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 28 percent of all homeless people in America reside in the western state — up a whopping 40 percent from five years ago.

The numbers manage to get even worse when considering those who are “unsheltered” (i.e.,  sleeping in streets, cars or “places not meant for human habitation”), as opposed to those living in an emergency shelter or other form of temporary housing: California has a full 49 percent of unsheltered people in the country — just shy of half.


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With those numbers, it’s crystal clear that the state is not something to look to for inspiration in tackling the issue of homelessness.

But apparently, according to Newsom and his ego, everyone should be looking to him and his administration.

“The state of California has seen a decline in veterans’ homelessness. We have a national model,” he boldly declared during the news conference.

That hasn’t changed California from being the center of the homeless crisis in America, and certainly hasn’t made it a “national model.”

Is California the national model on homelessness?

It’s even more bizarre to be making the claims while being under fire for failing to provide evidence of the effectiveness of more than $20 billion in homeless program funds, per Fox News.

The full news conference can be viewed below:


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When the numbers are laid out, it’s clear: California is the opposite of what Newsom claims it to be.

Homelessness is undoubtedly a problem. No person should be denied the means to work their way out of poverty and into a better life.

But that starts with having a strong economy not torn apart by inflation and available housing, two things that California has been keenly lacking as of late.

While the entire economy of California is out of whack and a simple fast-food meal finds a way to become $20, it’s no wonder the state has seen a six percent increase in homelessness since last year.

Democrats have abjectly failed the Golden State residents.

They’ve transformed what was once the most prosperous state in the union into a shell of what it once was.

There’s a lot that can be done to fix its problems, but it starts with one simple step: Vote the Democrats out.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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