Attorney Shot Dead at McDonald’s by Customer Upset Over Order: Police

A Houston lawyer was tragically shot and killed outside a McDonald’s on Saturday while attempting to defuse a heated argument between a disgruntled customer and the restaurant staff.

Jeffrey Limmer, 46, had tried to intervene and calm a disgruntled man who was upset over his order and demanded a refund from an employee at the McDonald’s on West Interstate Highway 10 service road, according to KTRK-TV.

Officers were called to the scene around 6 p.m.


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Limmer’s attempts to deescalate the situation fell on deaf ears as things intensified, and he and the disgruntled customer continued to argue.

The confrontation escalated further when it moved to the parking lot, where Limmer reportedly pushed the customer to the ground, according to police.

The customer then allegedly retrieved a firearm from his vehicle and fatally shot Limmer before escaping in a blue Ford pickup truck.

Limmer was pronounced dead at the scene, the New York Post reported.

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As of now, no arrests have been made in connection with his shooting and authorities are still searching for the shooter.

“Knowing Jeff, he’s the one who always says, ‘Calm down. It’s not that big of a deal,’ and divert the situation,” his sister, Jennifer Thomas, told KTRK.

“He’s always wanted to fight for the little guy and do the right thing.”


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Limmer was reportedly a familiar face at the McDonald’s near his home and had deep roots in the community, having been a quarterback for Memorial High School’s football team and an outfielder on the baseball team.

He graduated from the University of Texas and South Texas College of Law and worked at a local law firm.

Thomas said her parents were at her daughter’s graduation when they received the devastating news.

In the end, Thomas said she and Limmer’s family are proud he stood up for what he believed was the right thing to do.

“A good Samaritan who is trying to do the right thing and not letting those employees at McDonalds go through that,” Thomas said.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

Adelle Nazarian has over 15 years of experience in journalism, geopolitics, and the media world. She is also an entrepreneur who has founded and served as CEO of several organizations. She enjoys traveling, is constantly learning and is inquisitive by nature. Adelle speaks English, Persian (Farsi), French and Mandarin Chinese. Follow Adelle Nazarian on X @AdelleNaz.

Adelle Nazarian has over 15 years of experience in journalism, geopolitics, and the media world. She is also an entrepreneur who has founded and served as CEO of several organizations. She enjoys traveling, is constantly learning and is inquisitive by nature. Adelle speaks English, Persian (Farsi), French and Mandarin Chinese. Follow Adelle Nazarian on X @AdelleNaz.

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