Thank you, Our Lady of Good Counsel
I want to thank Our Lady of Good Counsel R.C. Church for the display of the cross and white sash as a symbol to all Christians that our savior Jesus Christ is risen. We may have Easter egg hunts and Easter bunnies but He is the real reason for our Easter celebration and the hope all Christians have through our faith in Him. Thank you for the blessed reminder.
Ken Peterson
School play was inappropriate
Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of attending a number of delightful student stage productions at Southold High School and have often experienced some amazing theatrical talent by the high school students. The production values of these presentations have been outstanding! Unfortunately, however, the high school’s most recent performance, that of the musical “Mean Girls,” was a great disappointment on a number of levels and was a sad departure from the high standards of past productions. This year’s production represented a crass and negative depiction of the social life of high school students.
It was a crude and degrading view of teens with dysfunctional social and moral values. The frequent use of vulgar language and innuendos rendered this performance inappropriate for family viewing. (There were a number of elementary school age children in the audience at the performance I attended). It may be that some high school students may view a production like “Mean Girls” as good and relevant entertainment. However, if the adults who chose these productions cave into a more base level of entertainment, our young people are being denied the ability to be exposed to more uplifting artistic expression, as well as those plays and musicals that can foster more positive social and cultural values.
It is my sincere hope that Southold High School (as well as other area high schools) will make a more careful effort in the future to select more positive plays and musicals that are more suitable for our students and our communities.
Thomas Lane
Repayment of debt is your responsibility
The issue of student loan forgiveness is not that hard to understand. It’s about votes, period. Students in many cases are forced to take loans in order to attend institutions of higher education. Why then, is the cost of this education so high? The more money the government provides, the higher the tuition becomes, the higher the loans get. It’s an inflationary practice.
My generation, the boomers, took out loans, some got more in debt then others. The jobs they took could not cover the cost of living or they just jumped on the bandwagon. They then declared bankruptcy and the loans were forgiven. It became a common practice. Those who did beat the system over time. So much so, Congress changed the law making student loans not eligible for bankruptcy forgiveness. Indeed, your future Social Security can be deducted in order to pay off student debt.
Forgiveness of loans must be based on circumstances of the individual. I believe that is a path our Congress should take; indeed, the Supreme Court even stated such. I do understand the broader implications of this issue and they are not simple. Is this a one-time thing? Do those who still have loans but also have high annual income get forgiveness too, how equitable and just is that? Do those just taking out loans today also get forgiveness? What about all those who paid off their loans and are still struggling? Do they get that money back?
Ms. Schroeder and Ms. MacLeod (“The roots of student loan debt,” March 28), I respect your position but you are not looking at the whole picture. The picture starts with the cost of education, the ease of getting loans and, unlike a mortgage, no set repayment period or interest rate. You speak of equity, justice and ethical responsibilities. This country is based on equal opportunity and justice for all. Repayment of a loan is an ethical responsibility.
Bob Bittner