Mighty Bulwark Forming as Dozens of States Flock to the Texan Cause, Tell Biden to Kick Rocks

Remember when newly elected President Biden said, “This is the time to heal in America”?  He did just the opposite. He has divided America like no other president before him.

And the border crisis is at the center of that division.

Republican governors are backing GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s staunch rejection of the Biden administration’s border authority, according to The Hill.

On Tuesday, despite a Supreme Court decision, the Texas National Guard went right on building razor wire barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border. Abbott defended the action in a statement Wednesday by claiming he has the authority to confront what he termed the “invasion” of the state by illegal immigrants.  Abbott also claimed his authority to do so supersedes federal law.

Defying the Supreme Court — which ruled 5-4 that Texas officials cannot impede federal border agents from cutting down razor wire installed near the Rio Grande — is a bold move. Abbot invoked Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution to back his authority in a statement that began, “The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States.”


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Article IV, § 4 states the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion.” The Biden administration has failed to do that. Abbott also cited Article I, § 10, Clause 3, “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

Abbott’s logic was enough to convince 25 Republican governors to back Texas in their standoff with the federal government, according to UPI. That’s half of the United States of America uniting under the banner of States’ rights when it comes to protecting their borders from foreign invasion.

The GOP governors of Oklahoma, Virginia, Florida and Georgia all voiced their support for Abbott’s decision, according to The Hill.

Will these states succeed in securing the border?

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida — who recently withdrew from the GOP presidential primary and endorsed former President Donald Trump — posted on social media platform X, “If the Constitution really made states powerless to defend themselves against an invasion, it wouldn’t have been ratified in the first place and Texas would have never joined the union when it did. TX is upholding the law while Biden is flouting it.”

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin posted that the Biden administration “has turned every state into a border state.”


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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp posted, “Enough is enough. Our southern border is in crisis thanks to the Biden administration’s refusal to do their job. @GregAbbott_TX and the state of Texas have our full support.”

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt went so far as to suggest that three states are poised to deploy their National Guards to help Texas if needed.

Stitt said Texas was a “powder keg worth of tension,” insisting “we certainly stand with Texas on the right to defend themselves,” according to Newsweek.

“You’ve got Oklahoma and Florida and Tennessee, and you’ve got all these other states that would send our National Guard to help and to support the efforts of Governor Abbott because every state is a border state.”

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem announced she is on her way to “the warzone at the Southern Border to stand with Texas, @gregabbot_tx, and the National Guard.”

That Biden is a divider and not a unifier is as clear as looking through a freshly squeegeed windshield. His administration is bent on keeping the border open as long as they can for whatever nefarious purposes they believe it serves.

It looks like the open border is a hill the Biden administration is ready to die on. They built and filled a powder keg and are sitting on it, waiting for it to explode.

The question is, how far are they willing to push it? They’ve lit the fuse. Will they put it out before it’s too late?


A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


Gen. Flynn’s warning means that the 2024 election is the most important election for every single living American. If we lose this one to the wealthy elites who hate us, hate God, and hate what America stands for, we can only assume that 248 years of American history and the values we hold dear to our hearts may soon vanish.


The end game is here, and as Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at jackgistediting.com

Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at jackgistediting.com

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