Alfa Romeo Car Show: August 20

Umberto’s of New Hyde Park, Long Island’s iconic pizzeria and Italian restaurant, will be hosting a special car show with the New York Alfa Romeo Owner’s Club (NYAROC) on Sunday, Aug. 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at their New Hyde Park location (633 Jericho Turnpike). The event will support Island Harvest Food Bankthe leading hunger-relief organization with a mission to end hunger and reduce food waste on Long Island. 

The show will feature vintage and modern Alfa Romeo automobiles. The event is free to the public, and attendees are asked to bring nonperishable and non-expired food items for Island Harvest.

Donations will also be accepted. There will also be music, prizes and giveaways.  

“We love our community and proud of our Italian heritage. We are hosting this event to support Island Harvest and create an opportunity to connect with neighbors, friends and our loyal customers,” said Umberto Corteo, owner and founder Umberto’s of New Hyde Park.Nobody on Long Island should go hungry.” 

The NYAROC members are happy to display their cars and talk with attendees.   

“Our members are always willing to give back and support nonprofit organizations like Island Harvest. A nonprofit organization is only as strong as the community that holds it up,” said NYAROC President Anthony Intintolli. “We are proud to display our Alfa Romeos in front of Umberto’s and celebrate the Italian culture and heritage. Umberto’s is an iconic brand here on Long Island and everyone loves their pizza.” 

Visit to learn more about Umberto’s of New Hyde Park. Visit to learn more about Island Harvest Food Bank.

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