In yet another tragic reminder that gun control laws do not prevent mass shootings, a man in Denmark shot and killed three people and wounded seven others on Sunday.
The 22-year-old suspect’s has been sealed by a Danish court, the Copenhagen Police Department announced Monday on Twitter.
Den 22-årige mand, som er sigtet for skyderiet i Field’s i går, er netop blevet varetægtsfængslet i 24 dage af Københavns Byret. Retten har desuden nedlagt navneforbud for både den nu varetægtsfængslede og de 10 forurettede personer nævnt i sigtelsen #politidk #anklager
— Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) July 4, 2022
Authorities did not specify the type of gun or guns used in the shooting. They said the suspect had mental health problems.
He has been arrested and admitted to a psychiatric facility, according to Copenhagen police.
Tilføjelse: Retten varetægtsfængsler den 22-årige i surrogat på en lukket psykiatrisk afdeling #politidk #anklager
— Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) July 4, 2022
The day before the rampage at a shopping mall in Copenhagen, the disturbed 22-year-old reportedly exhibited suicidal ideation and declared that medication does not work in a series of alarming videos.
Is gun control the best way to stop mass shootings?
“The man had posted chilling videos on social media on Saturday, the day before the attack, in which he posed with a handgun and rifle and pressed their muzzles against his head and into his mouth,” Newsweek reported.
“He also uploaded several playlists to YouTube, with the titles ‘Killer Music’ and ‘Last Thing to Listen To,’ writing a caption underneath reading: ‘Quetiapine does not work.’”
Quetiapine is a prescription antipsychotic drug used to treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and mood swings, including mania and depression, according to WebMD.
The suspect had randomly selected his targets, and his mass shooting was not related to terrorism, according to Newsweek.
Gun violence is rare in Denmark, which has extremely strict gun control laws. Yet they failed to deter this mass shooting.
To acquire a firearm in Denmark, gun owners must be at least 18 years old and demonstrate “a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting,” according to
“An applicant for a firearm licence in Denmark must pass a background check, which considers criminal and mental health records.”
Numerous conservatives pointed out that restrictive gun control laws did not prevent the Copenhagen shooting.
Praying for the people of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Also praying the Left wakes up and realizes that mass shootings are not prevented by gun laws.
Denmark makes it nearly impossible to get a gun, yet a mass shooting just happened there.
— Dr. Willie J. Montague (@RepMontague) July 3, 2022
There was just a mass shooting in Denmark, a country with some of the strictest gun laws in Europe.
It’s time to admit that gun laws DO NOT stop mass shootings!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) July 3, 2022
Similarly, in Germany last month, a disturbed gunman killed a woman and then himself at a supermarket in an apparent murder-suicide.
Like Denmark, Germany has among the strictest gun control laws in Europe — but they, too, failed to prevent bloodshed.
Europeans love to brag that their oppressive gun laws deter shootings, but they downplay the horrifying violence their citizens suffer in the form of acid attacks, vicious stabbings, terrorist bombings and “truck attacks.”
Tellingly, European countries have not moved to ban acid, knives, cars or trucks amid these deadly threats to public safety.
Anti-Second Amendment agitators in the U.S. also ignore the inconvenient fact that Switzerland — which has an exceedingly high rate of gun ownership — has an overall murder rate that’s near zero.
Why? Almost everyone who owns a gun in Switzerland is a legal holder, whereas in the United States, countless criminal thugs acquire guns unlawfully.
So essentially, U.S. gun control laws only restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens while doing little to deter lawless thugs from terrorizing the public.
If gun control laws worked, shootings would not be so common in Democrat-run cities such as Chicago and New York.
But they are. Dozens are shot almost every weekend.
No one cares because the shooters weren’t tattooed white guys from upper middle class backgrounds. “10 killed by gunfire in Chicago over Fourth of July weekend, at least 62 others are wounded”
— Vicki McKenna (@VickiMcKenna) July 5, 2022
50+ People shot in #NYC over the July 4th holiday weekend. I’m wondering if those w/the weapons were aware of unelected @GovKathyHochul‘s new & “improved” #GunLaw restrictions? You Cannot Legislate Away #GunViolence
— James (@aka_JamesJLINY) July 6, 2022
What’s especially frightening is that Democrats and their media lapdogs are pushing to erode our constitutional right to self-defense after they’ve disempowered the police and incentivized lawlessness with their soft-on-crime policies.
This is a recipe for disaster.