Author of ‘Nobody Move!’ Rob Esposito, Emmy Award Winning writer-director Mike Amoia, Rock Legend Dee Snider of Twisted Sister and his manager Ron Starrantino will all attend the book launch gala.
Rob Esposito is hosting a gala on Jan. 11 in Hauppauge to launch his book Nobody Move! (Without Reading This). This red-carpet event, expected to attract hundreds of real estate professionals, aims to kick off a new movement of putting people first in the residential real estate industry.
“Moving is one of life’s greatest stressors,” Esposito said. “It’s time that all of us who work with people during this difficult, confusing and emotional time commit to helping them, educating them and doing all we can to reduce stress by preparing them for things that are actually very common. This is good for clients and great for long-term business success.”
This book is more than a simple collection of tips for homebuyers; it connects the emotional and logistical challenges of moving. These strategies have helped numerous individuals with their own moving transitions. This book is for not only realtors but also the communities they serve.
More than your average book launch, around 800 guests are expected to attend this one-time-only event to witness discussions from all over the real estate industry. A panel of celebrities, alongside Elenora Srugo from the Netflix real estate reality series Selling the City, will discuss their new series.
Emmy Award-winner Mike Amoia will premiere a new commercial featuring Rock and Roll legend Dee Snider of Twisted Sister. Internationally Popular Female DJ Kristaval, the owner of P.O.W.E.R magazine, will give a special presentation and provide entertainment.
Guests are expected to be dressed in all-black attire. The gala, which begins at 7 p.m., is at Relocators, Services Inc., 335 Kennedy Dr., Hauppauge.