The Photography Club of Long Island has invited the Port Washington community to hear photographer Howie Pohl share his insights on film photography at the Port Washington Public Library on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30pm.
All Howie Pohl’s photographs are analog. When the rest of the world went digital, Howie stayed behind and continued to take photos on black and white film and print them in his home darkroom.
“I think there is a soul-satisfying truth that can be captured via film. The lack of transformative technology adds more pressure to the initial exposure as it requires greater preparation and care; you can’t fix it in Photoshop. The important information must be included in the negative.”
Howie began exhibiting in 2015, and his photographs have been shown in more than 60 galleries and museums from Vermont to California. Most of his photos are taken on Ilford Delta 100 and 400 film, processed with Ilford chemicals, and printed on their Multigrade paper under the light of a Beseler 23CIII enlarger with a Kodak Ektar lens.
PCLI is a 501 (c) (3) art education organization that has been serving Long Island Photographers and the Port Washington Community for almost 5 decades.
The club hosts a free lecture program open to the public at the Port Washington Public Library on the second Wednesday of every month, September through June. The focus of PCLI is learning from others about photography as a skill and an art form.