Fairs and festivals
Saturday, Nov. 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Indoor Antiques, Fine Art and Crafts Fair hosted by Old Town Guild, at Southold Town Recreation Center, 970 Peconic Lane. Vintage items, photography, pottery, jewelry and more. Baked goods available. Raffle for gift-filled wagon; drawing in December. Free. Information: oldtownartsguild.org.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Kim’s Kindness and CAST host Festival of Trees at Treiber Farms, 38320 County Road 48, Peconic. Decorated trees, themed wreaths, holiday items, gifts, baked goods and hot beverages. Tickets: $10, adults; $5, seniors and children over 6; free, children under 6. Information: castnorthfork.org.
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2-6 p.m.: ‘Dinner for Two by Maroni Southold’ to benefit Southold Historical Museum, 54195 Main Road, Southold. Includes generous tray of meatballs served over penne pomodoro. Tickets $60; must be purchased online at southoldhistorical.org by Wednesday, Nov.27.
Sunday, Nov. 24, 10-11:30 a.m.: Thanksgiving Cookie Decorating Party for children, at Riverhead United Methodist Church, 204 East Main St. All materials provided. Registration required: [email protected].
Thursday, Nov. 28, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Church of the Harvest hosts free Thanksgiving Dinner, at 572 Raynor Ave. Riverhead. Family-style turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Meal delivery to the homebound available; 631-727-1977.
Friday, Nov. 29, 3-6 p.m.: Southold Historical Museum’s Annual Candlelight Tour & Tree Lighting, at the Maple Lane complex, 55200 Main Road. Begin the holiday season with this old-fashioned fun. Christmas tree lit at 5 p.m. Free. Information: [email protected].
Thursday, Nov. 21, 6-7:30 p.m.: Cutchogue Civic Association hosts presentation and Q&A with park district commissioners Dave Bergen, Steve Starroff and Pat Kelly, at Cutchogue New Suffolk Free Library. Learn how the Cutchogue New Suffolk Park District serves residents. Free. Information: cutchoguecivicassociation.org.
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: The Peconic Amateur Radio Club hosts open house at the Custer Institute and Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold. Learn more about the world of amateur radio and community service.
Friday & Saturday, Nov. 22 & 23, 7:30 p.m.: Community choir concert series, Harvest Gospel Concert, at Friendship Baptist Church, 59 Anchor St., Riverhead. Non-denominational mix of eclectic gospel music to kickstart holiday cheer. Free. Reserve tickets in advance: eventbrite.com.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 11 a.m.-noon: Final installment of “History through Music” featuring New York Jazz Mission, at Suffolk County Historical Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Features holiday-themed jazz. Free. Register in advance: suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org.
Sunday, Nov. 24, 3 p.m.: Performance by Basically Baroque, a pre-Thanksgiving musical event that returns Baroque music to the North Fork, in the Community Room at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Light refreshments. Free. Information: floydmemoriallibrary.org.
Friday, Nov. 29, 5 p.m.: Pianist Simon Bürki will play at Poquatuck Hall, 1160 Village Lane, Orient. Features a selection of pieces from F. Chopin, R. Schumann, and S. Rachmaninoff. Tickets: General audience $45; Members of the Rites of Spring Music Festival $30; Youth under 25 free. Tickets: ritesmusic.org.
The natural world
Saturday, Nov. 30, 10 a.m.: East Marion Community Association’s “Save the Horseshoe Crabs” community forum, with conservationist Jenn Hartnagel, at East Marion firehouse 9245 Main Road. Learn about the species and how to advocate for its protection. Information: Suzanne Hand, [email protected].
Friday & Saturday, Nov. 22 & 23, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 24, 2 p.m.: Riverhead Faculty and Community Theatre presents the timeless holiday classic — Joseph Robinette’s ‘A Christmas Story: The Musical’ — at Charles Cardona Auditorium, 700 Harrison Ave., Riverhead. Tickets: $20, adults; $15, students. Information: rfct1985.com.
Ongoing events
Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Orient Congregational Church Thrift Shop, 23045 Main Road, Orient. Clothes, jewelry, furnishings and more. Donations accepted. Information: 631-323-2665.
Friday mornings 10 a.m.-noon: The Riverhead/Jamesport Homemakers meet at the George Young Community Center, 446 South Jamesport Ave., Jamesport. Knit, crochet and sew for charity. New members welcome. Information: 631-765-1768.
November through April: Free house tours of Tuthill House Museum offered by Mattituck-Laurel Historical Society, 18200 Main Road, Mattituck. Private walking tours about local history: $20, nonmembers; $15, members; free under 12. Schedule a tour: 631-745-2752.
Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Self-guided tours at Landcraft Garden Foundation, 4342 Grand Ave., Mattituck. Members, free; nonmembers, $20; seniors and students, $17; under 12, $5; under 2, free. Information: 631-298-7216, landcraftgardenfoundation.org.
Nov. 15-Dec. 15; Fridays, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturdays-Sundays, 10-5: Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council’s “Pop-Up” Christmas Shop at the Carriage House on Cutchogue Village Green, featuring antique donated items. Holiday refreshments served. Free. Information: cutchoguenewsuffolkhistory.org.
Through November: Roller skating at Greenport American Legion, 120 Third St. Wednesdays, 5-8 p.m.: Adults 21 and older; Fridays, 5-8 p.m.: All skate; Sundays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: All skate. Admission: $10, includes skates; $5, spectators. Information: greenportamericanlegion.org.
Tuesdays, noon-3:30 p.m.: Bingo at Southold American Legion, 51655 Main Road. 631-765-2276.
Saturdays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Docent-led tours at Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Tickets: $15, adults; $10, seniors and children. 631-298-5292, hallockville.org.
Saturdays, 8 p.m.-midnight: Stargazing at Custer Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold, weather permitting. Suggested donation: adults, $5; under 12, $3. 631-765-2626, custerobservatory.org.
Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: Blacksmithing demonstrations with Tom Barry at Village Blacksmith Shop, 101 Front St., Greenport. 631-477-2100, eastendseaport.org.
Nov. 2-Jan. 25, 2025: The Sinking of the Steamboat Lexington on Long Island Sound, curated by Bill Bleyer at Suffolk County Historical Society, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Includes lithographs of the flaming vessel and original related documents including interviews with four survivors, ensuing legal investigations, and articles reporting on the disaster at the time. Information: 631-727-2881.
Through November: Linda Nemeth’s artwork, Taking Watercolor to Another Dimension, will be on display at Southold Free Library, 53705 Main Road, Southold. Information: southoldlibrary.org.
Through November: Picture Driven at Cutchogue New Suffolk Free Library. Artwork by Paula Kelly, Ernest Hutton and Doris Brautigan. Free. Information: cutchoguelibrary.org.
Through December: Beaches and Barns and Grapes, Oh My! featuring the work of Patricia Feiler and Lee Harned at Borghese Vineyard and Winery, 17150 Middle Road (Rte. 48), Cutchogue.
Through December: Textures in Watercolor, artwork by Pat Russo at Mattituck-Laurel Library Art Gallery, 13900 Main Road, Mattituck.
Wednesdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: ‘Striking a Chord: Suffolk County’s Early Music Identity’ at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Examples of early instruments, early composers, immigration influence and recording technology advancements. 631-727-2881, suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org.
At the libraries
Our local libraries host a variety of events for all ages. For calendars and more information:
- Riverhead Free Library, 631-727-3228, riverheadlibrary.org.
- Mattituck-Laurel Library, 631-298-4134, mattitucklaurellibrary.org.
- Cutchogue New Suffolk Free Library, 631-734-6360, cutchoguelibrary.org.
- Southold Free Library, 631-765-2077, southoldlibrary.org.
- Floyd Memorial Library, Greenport, 631-477-0660, floydmemoriallibrary.org.