Watch: Riot Police Face Off with Anti-Israel Agitators, Arrest 4 Just Outside DNC

Riot police took action in Chicago on Monday after anti-Israel protesters breached the security perimeter around the DNC.

Multiple Democrats feared violence might break out at the DNC following reports that numerous, sizable far-left protests were planned to take place at the event.

In response, DNC organizers built the perimeter fencing “wall” around the two primary DNC venues in order to protect against potential agitators.

On Monday, all those fears came to fruition when thousands marched on Chicago.

Several videos made their way online showing the protesters breaching the DNC’s wall not too long after.


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Then, additional videos revealed that police were in fact taking action.

Turning Point USA reporter Savanah Hernandez recorded and published multiple videos of the stand-off between police and the agitators. (WARNING: Following the link will lead to a video that contains vulgar language, which may offend some readers.)

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“As you guys can see behind me, we’ve got quite a few protesters, and the police have now arrived,” she said.

“Now, they broke through this first barricade, and they were trying to break through the second one that’s right behind me.”

According to Hernandez, the protesters had been marching all day starting in Union Park and ending just in front of the United Center, the primary venue for this year’s DNC.

Union Park is located roughly half a mile from the United Center.

DNC attendees are well aware of the chaos, according to Hernandez.


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“You can actually hear the chanting of these protesters at the main entrance of the DNC,” she said.

Hernandez later reported that four protesters among the group of agitators had been arrested.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that may offend some readers. 

“4 protestors have been arrested outside of the DNC. An ANTIFA member immediately breaks down the gate as another protestor shouts ‘we can save her’ referring to one of the arrested protesters,” Hernandez wrote, describing the above video.

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