Trump Pulls Out Tic Tacs Onstage to Make a Devastating Point About the Biden-Harris Administration

If there is one issue that the voter actually experiences for themselves without any rhetoric or phony assurances to lead them astray, it is the economy. Although it is a complex beast in many respects, it is easy to understand on a personal level.

Despite not being the president, Vice President Kamala Harris is part of the current administration, which many Americans deem responsible for the dismal state of the economy.

While getting into spreadsheets, studies, and expert opinions is one way to deem President Joe Biden’s administration a failure, the way other is to fill your car up with gas, buy groceries, and see what interest rates your bank is offering.

In every instance, any sensible person can look back to when former President Donald Trump was the executive and find that those things were better. Trump — being aware of this — took the opportunity to give his crowd at a rally in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday an example of how bad inflation has become by comparing two boxes of Tic Tacs.


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“Look at this,” Trump said, holding up a container of Tic Tacs in one hand with another much smaller contain in his other hand. Trump told his audience, “This is inflation. This is Tic Tac [holding up the smaller container]. This is Tic Tac [holding up the larger container]. This is inflation. This is what’s happened.”

While the moment is humorous and quintessentially Trump, he followed on a more serious note.

“Inflation is destroying our country. It’s destroying our families.”

He went on to mention a number of issues he plans for his cabinet to address concerning inflation in the first 100 days.

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Trump’s Tic Tac example is what’s called shrinkflation.

Investopedia defines it as, “the practice of reducing the size of a product while maintaining its sticker price.”

If they want to maintain current profit margins, they must either increase the price for the same amount of the product or reduce the amount of the product itself.

“Shrinkflation is basically a form of hidden inflation. Companies are aware that customers will likely spot product price increases and so opt to reduce the size of them instead, mindful that minimal shrinkage will probably go unnoticed.”

Of course, Trump doesn’t need to tell his audience any of this.


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He just needs to show the product as evidence that shrinkflation is occurring.

You used to get more with Trump, now you get less with Biden and Harris.

While leftist outlets, like The New York Times, and Democrats alike can celebrate inflation seeing improvement it hasn’t since 2021, we are still in the midst of the disaster that is Bidenomics.

It’s hard to lie to people when the truth is right in front of them.

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