Awkward: Karine Jean-Pierre Throws a Wrench in Kamala Harris’ Attempt to Distance Herself from Biden

Unintentional hilarity unfolded on Wednesday when the two least impressive people in President Joe Biden’s administration found themselves at cross-purposes.

Considering the two fools involved in the incident, one cannot tell whether the disagreement sprang from bitterness or mere stupidity.

At a White House press conference, savvy Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about Vice President and 2024 Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ reported plan to distance herself from Biden’s dreadful economic record, prompting a rebuke from Jean-Pierre that likely did not sit well with the Harris campaign.

“When did you guys learn that Vice President Harris wants to distance herself from Bidenomics?” Doocy asked.

When Jean-Pierre asked him to elaborate, Doocy cited an Axios report claiming that Harris intended a “highly choreographed” pivot away from Biden’s abysmal record, as well as from her own past statements.


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“Can you blame her?” Doocy asked, as if toying with the overmatched press secretary.

At that moment, Jean-Pierre either forgot her primary gaslighting objective or revealed some bitterness toward the vice president.

“Do you know this is the Biden-Harris administration? Are you aware that this is the Biden-Harris administration, and she is indeed the vice president?” Jean-Pierre replied.

Wow. Again, either bitterness or stupidity explains that answer.

Is Karine Jean-Pierre an effective press secretary?

Doocy then pressed his advantage and asked if Biden would have remained the Democrats’ candidate had his economic policies worked.

Refocusing on Biden must have reminded Jean-Pierre that she exists to lie on the president’s behalf.

Thus, she immediately launched into a 90-second filibuster filled with the usual drivel about how much “this president” and “this vice president” care about the middle class and how Republicans want everyone except billionaires to suffer and die, etc.

Doocy sounded unconvinced.

“But would you admit, at least, that if Bidenomics was more popular President Biden would still be the candidate?” he asked.


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If Doocy intended to trick Jean-Pierre into linking Harris with Bidenomics, it worked.

“What I will tell you is Bidenomics has been something that both the president and the vice president has worked on,” she said.

One hardly knows where to begin.

For one thing, Jean-Pierre’s final statement alone might easily double as a campaign ad for former President Donald Trump. Imagine a Trump ad featuring “Bidenomics” in large, ominous-looking print accompanied by a clip of Jean-Pierre’s comment.

Meanwhile, one could also imagine heads exploding at the Harris campaign. After all, campaign operatives have shielded their candidate from scrutiny and kept everything “choreographed.” In light of Harris’ obvious rhetorical deficiencies, they have no answer for unscripted moments like the one Jean-Pierre provided.

Furthermore, one cannot discount the possibility — perhaps even the likelihood — of animosity between the Biden and Harris camps. The president, after all, experienced a coup at the hands of his own party leaders. Harris, though less accomplished and far less impressive than even the comically inept president himself, somehow swooped in, stole the presidential nomination and has since enjoyed a propaganda blitz courtesy of the establishment media.

If Jean-Pierre feels bitterness toward Harris and regards the vice president as a phony, who could blame her?

Either way, Doocy always seems to provide subtle comic relief by trapping the flustered press secretary in her own words.

Of course, if Harris had to answer Doocy’s questions, she would fare much worse than Jean-Pierre. Small wonder the Democrats have kept their gibberish-spewing vice president under wraps.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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