Artificial Intelligence, the Antichrist and the End Times

Bible end times scholars believe that artificial intelligence is a tool the Antichrist will use to control the world’s population.

Texas pastor Jimmy Evens — host of the “Tipping Point” podcast and founder of — recently appeared on Daystar’s “Joni Table Talk” to discuss the connection between AI and the Antichrist.

“AI was formally introduced commercially in 2023, and when it came out, my statement was, ‘It’s announcing the arrival of the Antichrist,’” he told host Joni Lamb and her fellow panelists.

In Revelation 13, the Apostle John wrote that in the end times that the Antichrist will require people to take the “mark of the beast” on their hand or forehead to show their allegiance to him and that it will be needed in order to buy or sell, according to the Bible site

People wondered how it would be possible to track everyone in the entire world and enforce such a decree prior to the internet, smartphones and now AI.


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“You think about a worldwide system where the Antichrist can control your finances, social credit — if you don’t worship him, if you don’t do this, if you don’t do that, it’s all going against you. And AI is able to track all of that and to know what is happening with every human on earth,” Evans said.

“We’re the first generation in the history of the world that can do that,” he argued.

Business Insider reported in 2022 that communist China has already implemented a social credit system that rates citizens. And those deemed not to be compliant are barred from travel, access to certain restaurants, or fast internet — among other punishments.

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It’s not a far step from that to not being able to buy or sell food, rent an apartment, purchase a home, etc.

“China’s social credit system incorporates a moral edge into the program, which is why many have compared it to some level of dystopian governance, such as in George Orwell’s ‘1984’ in which the state heavily controls every aspect of a citizen’s life,” Business Insider said.

Deception is a way the Antichrist will use AI to control people, Evans predicted, citing 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

The passage speaks of the “lawless one” arising, the Antichrist, who will deceive the masses to follow the path Satan wants them to take.

“[AI] has more potential to deceive and destroy humanity than anything in the history of the world, and I believe that this is part of the Antichrist system,” Evans said.


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“As AI learns to communicate with humans, it could just very easily just take social media and begin to post social media all over the world that’s deceptive,” he added.

The pastor noted that the values and the views the Antichrist will seek to propagate are readily identifiable. They are anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Israel, and anti-Christian church.

“I don’t see him yet, but his presence is here,” Evans said, citing 1 John 4:3.

He had former AI engineer, now Christian evangelist Dr. Hormoz Shariat on his “Tipping Point” program last year, and they discussed the implications of the technology.

Shariat told Evans that AI is “multiple times more powerful” than social media and that it can tailor messages “just for you to deceive you, and it’s very hard to realize that.”

In other words AI will know each person’s history and inclinations so well, it will know just the message that person needs to hear to elicit the desired response.

“AI going forward is going to improve our lives, yes, but the enemy will also use it, and the enemy is Satan, use it to put people in bondage, to control people, to influence people in the wrong way also,” Shariat said.

Dallas Theological School professor Mark Hitchcock, host of “Marking the End Times” podcast, said on his program last year, “You can see with AI there’s going to be a landslide of deception that comes into the world.”

“But we also know that Satan is the master manipulator, the master counterfeiter, and he’s going to use this to manipulate, to control and to deceive, and he’s going to use all this, of course, through his man the Antichrist,” Hitchcock said.

He co-authored the book “What’s Next? AI and The Antichrist” with Evans, which was published in April.

“AI is not the Antichrist, the Antichrist is not AI, but it will be used by him to manipulate and deceive and control the world,” Hitchcock said. “It’s going to be an unbelievably powerful tool in his hands.”

Finally, Jeff Kinley, author of several books about the end times, told CBN’s “Faithwire” last year, that neurolink technology is something the Antichrist will likely use.

“Humans will be hackable,” he said.

“They’ll be able to read our emotions, if we respond positively to a certain newscast or to a certain emotion to a politician, that type of thing,” Kinley explained.

“In the end, there will be an Antichrist on the planet,” he said. “There’ll be a global regime, and obviously they want to be able to trace, to track not just your economic transactions, but also you, as well.”

Randy DeSoto has written more than 3,000 articles for The Western Journal since he joined the company in 2015. He is a graduate of West Point and Regent University School of Law. He is the author of the book “We Hold These Truths” and screenwriter of the political documentary “I Want Your Money.”


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