Trump Roasts Biden Night Before First Debate: ‘Ask Your Doctor About BIDENICA’

Trump has an incredible sense of humor. This is especially true when applied to the lunacy of Biden and the Biden administration.

Our nation has been driven to shambles. Americans see it and feel it. Biden is no confidence-building leader. Why mince words when the obvious is so blatant?

So it isn’t any surprise that the night before the first 2024 presidential debate, Trump would publicly share a facetious video emphasizing just how uninspiring and sleep-inducing Biden is. He shared it on his Truth Social platform.

“BIDENICA” is the name Trump gives to the coma-type rest induced by listening to Biden’s blathering. His presentation is that of a new type of drug to fight insomnia.

No doubt, it is the insomnia all of the lying Biden, his entire team, and his many partners have been doing to defend his presidency to Americans who know the real score based on experience alone. His failed policies are sinking the United States and any future we wish to have.


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Trump captures the people’s reality in the following way, ““If you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about BIDENICA….”

“If you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about Bidenica, the sleep aid made from 100 percent Joe Biden press conference.

Describing Bidenica as being “made from 100% Joe Biden Press Conference,” the rest of the “ad” blasted a bevy of Biden gaffes, including the infamous “Corn Pop,” before ending with a snarky: “Ask you doctor if Bidenica is right for you.”

The video ends with lots of snoring.

Do you think Trump will win the November election?

Not only does the witty attack directly and indirectly point out Biden’s many failures during his term in the White House, it uses them as a basis to emphasize his overall physical and cognitive decline. It shows at a baseline, once again, how unfit he is to take up the helm for a second term.

If you look a bit deeper into the video, as well, you also see how Trump seemingly refers to the unscrupulous nature of those actually directing Biden to do their dirty work for them. It is subliminal and masterful.

Most likely, the establishment media will undoubtedly either disregard or position the video as a crude and unpresidential attack on their candidate. Every Conservative and Trump voter will recognize the pure genius of it in delivery, timing, and truth.

Both candidates may be close in age. One, without question, can hardly string two sentences together.


Biden Says Media Will Debunk Trump’s Debate Claims … Then Brings Out Debunked ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’ Quote

The other created a video about it… a video that evokes laughter. These are not the same men.

The salvo that Trump launched has skewered the current president. This, as Trump’s favorability continues to rise while Biden’s falls according to the most recent Gallup poll. This, despite all of the persecution unfairly thrust upon Trump.

Where Trump gained 4 points since from December, Biden lost 4 points. In addition, The Hill cited that “Other new findings from Gallup included 46 percent of Americans surveyed saying Trump ‘has the personality and leadership qualities a president should have,’ compared to 38 percent who said the same for Biden.”

The first presidential debate is tonight, on CNN.

It is obvious Trump is rearing to go given this prelude. Biden better drink a copious amount of the funny juice ahead of the game, if for nothing else, to substantiate Trump’s comedic dig is simply that.

Those who want to sleep through it, try some Bidenica.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


The Western Journal is fighting to keep that from happening, but we can’t do it alone.


We work tirelessly to expose the lying leftist media and the corrupt America-hating elites.


But Big Tech’s stranglehold is now so tight that without help from you, we will not be able to continue the fight. 


The 2024 election is literally the most important election for every living American. We have to unite and fight for our country, otherwise we will lose it. And if we lose the America we love in 2024, we’ll lose it for good. Can we count on you to help? 


With you we will be able to field journalists, do more investigative work, expose more corruption, and get desperately needed truth to millions of Americans. 


We can do this only with your help. Please don’t wait one minute. Donate right now.


Thank you for reading,

Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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