Ashley Biden Makes Priceless Gaffe About ‘LGBT’ During WH ‘Pride Month’ Event – ‘It Runs in the Family’

It runs in the family, I suppose.

On Wednesday, the White House brought out first daughter Ashley Biden for a national LGBT “pride month” celebration on the South Lawn. (The first son, with the tax and gun charges, might have proved to be a bit, um, troublesome.)

It was one of the few occasions where you might imagine Biden White House staffers had wished they’d gotten Hunter, instead.

During her speech at the event, Ashley stressed her role as a social worker and how, “I see every day how important it is for children to feel loved, accepted and supported.”

“It’s everything,” she said. “Unfortunately, as we know, not all children grow up this way. Too many LGBTQ children grow up in homes that don’t accept them — or if they’re accepted at home, they go to school each day and either have to hide a piece of who they are or are bullied because of it.”


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And away to gaffeland we went: “LGBCT–” Ashley said, blinked, and corrected herself. “LGBTQ students deserve to be safe at school, at home and in their communities, period.”

Leaving aside what “deserve to be safe” means in the parlance of the left, Ashley Biden had one job, which was to not flub four minutes of simple remarks.

Instead, she couldn’t even get “LGBTQ” out correctly. That’s not going to make the “pride” crowd happy.

One commenter may have put it best: “Like father like daughter … Whatever it is it may run in the family.”

Another noted that Ashley “attended the Biden School of Linguistics.”


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And at least we won’t have to worry about paternity testing, another noted: “She’s definitely Biden’s daughter.”

Even though Biden’s gaffes are more frequent and acute these days because of senility, he isn’t a man who was exactly gaffe-proof before the inevitable ravages of age set in.

Just remember the run-up to his abortive 2008 presidential campaign, when he told an Indian-American voter, as NBC reported in 2006, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you’ve got a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

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Many Americans remember Biden’s 2022 remark before a speech before a union crowd where he began, “Let me start off with two words: Made in America.”

What they might not remember is that, 14 years prior, when — campaigning as Barack Obama’s running mate — he said the most important issue was a “three-letter word: jobs.”

I could go on. In fact, I’m sure Joe Biden would, regaling you with tales about how he and Corn Pop got busted trying to visit Nelson Mandela in jail but they were in the wrong city, and then there was that Amtrak conductor who said, “Joey, baby! You’ve rode the rails so much more than you’ve flown on Air Force Two!”

Where’s Jackie?

However, we can say this much for Ashley Biden and her congenital gift of the gaffe: At least she didn’t have to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet while she spoke, unlike some first children might have had to.

Just saying.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).


Morristown, New Jersey


Catholic University of America

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English, Spanish

Topics of Expertise

American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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