Hero Cop Murdered in Minnesota Ambush: ‘His Name Will Forever Be Remembered’

Police officers put their lives on the line daily, going out on patrol to ensure their community is safe.

Unfortunately, some bad actors, bolstered by the establishment media have decided to paint all cops as evil, based on the actions of a few, and have encouraged others to harm the people who are protecting us.

That’s exactly what happened in Minneapolis when police officer Jamal Mitchell was ambushed and killed Thursday evening.

Mitchell, 36, was an accomplished cop, earning an award just last year for running into a burning building to save an elderly couple just days after taking up the job, according to KMSP-TV.

He remained extremely humble when interviewed after the incident and restated his commitment to his job.


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“I’m just thankful we were there to read the scene,” he said at the time.

“Get there and do what we can to save lives. That’s what I got into law enforcement to do; save lives and serve the community.”

But not every call ends well.

Mitchell and his fellow officers were responding to reports of a shooting around 5:15 p.m. according to KMSP.

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Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara described the incident during a news conference.

“He answered the call of a double shooting in the Whittier neighborhood,” O’Hara said.

“While rendering aid to an injured male, the injured male pulled a gun and assassinated Officer Mitchell and continued to shoot him after he fell to the ground.

“Responding officers exchanged gunfire with that gunman. A second MPD officer was injured and was treated and released from the hospital.”


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O’Hara said a civilian was also killed in the incident and two others were injured. He added that the unidentified suspect was also killed.

Mayor Jacob Frey held a press conference where he spoke about the fallen policeman.

“This officer gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect and save the lives of others,” Frey told reporters.

“His service and his name will forever be remembered in the city of Minneapolis.”

O’Hara told reporters, “Today is a very sad day for the Minneapolis Police Department and I ask that you remember the dangers police officers are willing to face and the price they sometimes have to pay.

“Most importantly, I ask that you keep Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell and his family in your prayers.”

O’Hara described Mitchell as “a father, son, fiancée, friend, and a member of the MPD since 2022.”

He told reporters that he is “angry and deeply hurt by such a senseless and violent attack on Minneapolis’ finest.”

“Jamal died a hero,” O’Hara said. “He did his job, and he was loyal to his oath until his death.  There is no more honorable service one can provide.”

He went on to lament the increasing frequency with which police officers everywhere are attacked on the job.

“As tragic as this is, I know we are not alone in Minneapolis. We know that attacks on police officers are on the rise across our country, and Jamal just happened to be the latest victim of this senseless and troubling trend.  It’s become too easy … to attack our police, and it needs to stop.”

When the police are weakened and liberal justice workers permit criminals to run free, tragic events like those on Thursday are bound to occur.

In fact, they’re more or less begging for it.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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