Nigerian First Lady Oluremi Tinubu Enraged Over Celeb ‘Nakedness’ After Meghan’s Trip – ‘That Is Not Beautiful’

With Nigerian women recently exposed to the example of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, the African nation’s first lady said stars’ skin-baring ways should not be emulated.

Oluremi Tinubu, a Nigerian senator and the wife of President Bola Tinubu, spoke out just two weeks after Meghan and Prince Harry visited Nigeria, with Meghan’s choices having been criticized that she “bared too much skin” and should have dressed with “more modesty” in a majority-Muslim nation, according to the New York Post.

“The message is we have to salvage our children,” Tinubu said Saturday.

“You know, we see the way they dress. They keep forgetting that Nigeria, we are beautiful. … We see what is going on, you know? We are not having the Met Gala. And everyone, the nakedness, is just everywhere, and the men are well-clothed,” she said.

“So we have to do something. Tell them the way it is. We don’t accept nakedness in our culture. That is not beautiful. It’s not beautiful at all,” the first lady said.


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Tinubu said Nigerian ways are just fine for Nigerian women and girls.

“They are beautiful girls. But they should be confident in who they are. They don’t want to be — even they are mimicking and trying to emulate film stars from America,” she said.

Do you agree with Tinubu?

The first lady then referenced Meghan’s visit.

“Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa? That is something we have to take home with [us]. We know who we are and don’t lose who you are,” Tinubu said.

She said women need to become unifying forces.

“When mothers stand with you, the house is in order,” Tinubu said, according to the Post.


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“Looking ahead, we must endeavor to become the unifying force in our homes and our communities, to bring about greater prosperity for our nation,” the first lady said.

Meghan and Harry arrived in Nigeria on May 10 on a trip to promote to “champion mental health for young people affected by conflicts and to promote the Invictus Games,” according to The Associated Press.

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