Libertarians Do Trump a Huge Favor, Nominate Gay Mask-Wearing Drag Queen Storytime Supporter

While President Joe Biden will have to contend with Democrat-turned-independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. siphoning votes from him in November, it seems former President Donald Trump won’t have to worry as much about the libertarian candidate taking from him.

Trump spoke at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington on Saturday in an attempt to persuade the small political party to endorse him in this fall’s presidential election.

He attempted to appeal to a mixed crowd of attendees, joking, “In the last year, I’ve been indicted by the government on 91 different things. So if I wasn’t a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now.”


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Nonetheless, the former president was still booed numerous times throughout his speech.

And despite his best efforts, Trump did not secure the endorsement of the Libertarian Party.

However, the Libertarians did him a huge favor with whom they chose as their nominee in November.

On Sunday, at the end of the convention, the party announced its delegates had selected Chase Oliver as their candidate.

Oliver is very much a social libertarian, with stances on cultural issues that are likely to alienate many on the right who otherwise might consider voting for him.

Social media posts show the 38-year-old gay political activist has spoken out in favor of abortion on demand, drag queen story hour and business-mandated masking, among other things.


Watch: Trump Defies Crowd, Takes On Libertarians at Their Own Convention After They Viciously Boo Him

Oliver also has argued that it should be legal for adults to be naked in front of children.

Perhaps a few Republicans who have fallen for the NeverTrump rhetoric the mainstream media has pushed will vote for the Libertarian candidate in November, but the vast majority of conservatives who do even minimal research into Oliver will not.

That will be a major difference between the Biden campaign and Trump’s.

Will this nomination hurt Biden more than Trump?

Democrats have admitted they’re massively concerned with RFK Jr. pulling swaths of voters away from the president.

Meanwhile, the independent candidate has isolated himself from many conservatives by picking longtime Democrat Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.

He also has voiced support for full-term abortion, although he backpedaled soon afterward.

Faced with the alternatives of Biden, Kennedy and Oliver on the ballot, Republicans surely will cast their votes for Trump.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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