Biden Campaign Throws All Pretense Out the Window with Surprise Move at Courthouse During Trump Trial

Ever since Democratic district attorneys and the Department of Justice brought legal action against former President Donald Trump in 2023, the Democratic Party has strenuously attempted to deny the nakedly political motivations behind those cases.

Though anyone with their eyes open could tell the only reason for these trials was to prevent another Trump victory in 2024, the ones in favor of these lawsuits have insisted that it has all been in the name of justice.

However, with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s slip-up before Trump’s South Bronx rally and now the Biden administration holding a news conference outside the New York City courthouse holding Trump’s trial, the Democrats are slowly admitting what everyone knew all along.

As reported in Raw Story, the Biden-Harris Campaign sent out a notice that on Tuesday at 10:15 a.m., the campaign would hold a news conference outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, with some “special guests.”

The time and date coincided with closing arguments for Trump’s case.


Biden Gets Desperate, Will Use Capitol Police Against Trump in New Campaign Strategy

Users on the social media platform X were quick to call out the Biden administration for this pathetically transparent move.

CNN producer DJ Judd shared this news, with the caption, “Biden’s campaign is holding a press conference outside the NYC Courthouse where former President Donald Trump’s defense team is opening closing arguments in his hush money trial.”

Does this prove Trump’s prosecution is political persecution?

Politico contributor Sam Stein commented on the news, saying how “after not really engaging the trial directly, the Biden camp is going there. literally,” while Fox News anchor John Roberts noted sarcastically the Biden “campaign will hold a news conference with ‘special guests’ outside the courthouse at 10:15. But there is nothing political about this prosecution…”


Biden Gets Desperate, Will Use Capitol Police Against Trump in New Campaign Strategy


Considering how poorly Biden’s campaign has gone thus far, one would think they would scrupulously avoid the appearance of engaging in blatant political prosecution and election interference.

But then the news conference began — albeit with some pretty loud heckling from Trump supporters.

“We aren’t here today because of what is going on over there. We are here today because you all are here,” a campaign representative began. “We are here primarily because of the threat that Donald Trump poses to the United States of America and to our democracy.”

And then the “special guests” were introduced: two officers who were present at the Capitol incursion and Robert De Niro, “a native New Yorker who can spot BS a mile away.”

“The contrast here pretty much writes itself,” the representative continued in his opening remarks. “Donald Trump’s somewhere, fighting for himself, probably taking a power nap.  … In one month, Americans are going to have an opportunity to witness in prime time the clear contrast between Donald Trump, who is a chaos agent waging a self-obsessed campaign of revenge and retribution, go up against Joe Biden, who is a leader who fights for American every single day.”

Now, it seems they are forfeiting all pretense of neutrality.

They claim they aren’t there because of Trump and his trial, then they turn around and bash Trump, claiming he is “fighting for himself.” He is fighting a politicized prosecution brought on by a corrupt district attorney, and he will have to do so again and again — against other corrupt district attorneys and a corrupt Department of Justice spurred on by the Biden administration.

Not to mention the attempted jab at a nap, when Biden is notorious for falling asleep, calling into question his mental ability to lead this great nation.

At the very least, this move reeks of desperation.

The real problem, however, is the optics.

Simply put, the optics of this news conference are atrocious and calculated to backfire on Biden in a spectacular way.

Holding a press conference at the Manhattan Courthouse, during the closing arguments for Trump’s hush money trial, makes it seem like the Biden campaign is bragging to their political allies about attempting to put their political opponent in jail.

It begs the question: Which side has actually engaged in election interference?

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


Gen. Flynn’s warning means that the 2024 election is the most important election for every single living American. If we lose this one to the wealthy elites who hate us, hate God, and hate what America stands for, we can only assume that 248 years of American history and the values we hold dear to our hearts may soon vanish.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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