All ages
Friday, May 24, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: American Legion Auxiliary annual curbside poppy distribution at American Legion Post 803, 51655 Main Road, Southold.
The arts and crafts
Saturday, June 8, 2-4 p.m.: Artist’s reception for Toy Stories: The simple and joyous forms of childhood with watercolor artist Stephen Larese at Southold Free Library. Information: southoldlibrary.org.
Fairs and festivals
Sunday, May 26, noon-5 p.m.: East End Arts Mosaic Street Painting Festival, on Main Street, Riverhead. Live entertainment by EEA bands and local groups, kid’s zone, art and maker vendors, food trucks. Information: eastendarts.org. Rain date: May 27, 2-5 p.m.
Saturday, May 25, 9: a.m.-1 p.m.: Shoreham-Wading River Garden Club Spring Plant Sale at 35 Sound Road, Wading River. Rain or shine. Proceeds go to annual high school scholarships.
Saturday, June 1, noon-6 p.m.: Food for the Soul fried chicken and rib dinner fundraiser at Jefferson Temple Church of God In Christ, 15625 Route 48, Cutchogue. Fried chicken, $20; BBQ ribs, $22; combo, $25. Dinners include three sides. Information: 631-525-2128. Preorders required for more than five dinners.
Local history
Friday, May 24, 5-7 p.m.: Opening reception and preview of Oysterponds Historical Society’s 2024 Village House exhibitions, on the Village House Patio, 1555 Village Lane, Orient. Wine, beer, soft drinks and hors d’oeuvres. OHS exhibitions open May 25.
Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Family History Day presented by the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council on the Cutchogue Village Green. Revolutionary War reenactment, historical demonstrations, colonial games, historic building tours and hands-on teaching methods from Shinnecock cultural consultant Shane Weeks. Food and raffles. Period dress encouraged. Suggested donation: $5. [email protected].
Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m.-noon: Historical Farm Equipment walking tour led by Dale Moyer and Richard Wines at Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Members, free; nonmembers, $10. Register: hallockville.org.
Thursday, May 23, 6-7:30 p.m.: Cutchogue Civic Association meeting: Short-term Rentals: What’s Legal and What’s Not? at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library. With Southold Town Supervisor Al Krupski and assistant town attorney Ben Johnson. Information: cutchoguecivicassociation.org.
Tuesday, May 28, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Peconic Amateur Radio Club open house at Custer Institute and Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold. Information: w2amc.org.
Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m.: Southold Peconic Civic Association annual meeting at Southold Recreation Center, 970 Peconic Lane, Peconic. Coffee and donuts at 9:30 a.m. Information: spcivic.org.
Saturday, May 25, 5 p.m.: Amusing the Strings Rites of Spring Music Festival concert by Yezu Elizabeth Woo, violin and DoYeon Kim, gayageum at Poquatuck Hall, 1160 Village Lane, Orient. Tickets: Rites of Spring members, $30; nonmembers, $40; under 25, free. Information: ritesmusic.org.
Friday, May 31, 6:30 p.m.: How Many A Tale Their Music Tells: A Sampling of Songs from the Journals of Long Island Whalemen presented by Stephen Sanfilippo at Southold Free Library. Information: southoldlibrary.org.
Saturday, June 1, 7 p.m.: Rites of Spring Music Festival concert: New Music Under the Big Sky at Custer Institute and Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold. Guided night-sky tour follows, weather permitting. Tickets: Rites of Spring members, $30; nonmembers, $40; under 25, free. Information: ritesmusic.org.
Sunday, June 2, 2 p.m.: The New York Vendettas concert at Mattituck-Laurel Library. ’50s rock and roll, rockabilly and country. Register: mattitucklaurellibrary.org.
Saturday, June 15, 11 a.m.: Classical pianist J.K. Hodge performs at Suffolk County Historical Society, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Part of the historical society’s free “History Through Music” concert series, which runs through July 20. Register: 631-727-2881, ext. 100; suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org.
The natural world
Tuesday, May 28, 8-10 a.m.: Tuesdays with Tom birding walk at Broad Cove Preserve, 764 Hubbard Ave., Aquebogue. Warblers, sparrows and more migrating birds. Register: northforkaudubonsociety.org.
Saturday, May 25, 5-8 p.m.: Soulful Sundown, an evening of music, poetry, readings and light dinner/refreshments hosted by First Universalist Church of Southold at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 768 Main St., Greenport. Featuring local poets from Poetry Street on the Road, and music by James Pritchard and Dina Mondello. Free. Information: [email protected], 631-765-3494.
The written word
Saturday, June 1, 3 p.m.: Local author Judith Avery Speyer reads and discusses her book Song for a Female Voice at Floyd Memorial Library, Greenport. Free; light refreshments served. Information: floydmemoriallibrary.org.
Ongoing events
Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Self-guided tours at Landcraft Garden Foundation, 4342 Grand Ave., Mattituck. Members, free; nonmembers, $20; seniors and students, $17; under 12, $5; kids under 2, free. Information: 631-298-7216, landcraftgardenfoundation.org.
Saturdays through October, 9 a.m.: Tai Chi with Denise Gillies at Mitchell Park, Greenport. Sponsored by Friends of Mitchell Park. Free. No classes June 29, July 27, Aug. 31 or Sept. 21.
Fridays and Sundays: Roller skating at Greenport American Legion, 102 Third St. All-ages All Skate: Fridays, 3-9-p.m. and Sundays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Admission: $10, includes skates; $5, spectators. greenportamericanlegion.org.
Wednesdays, 5-9 p.m.: Adult skate for ages 18 and up at Greenport American Legion, 102 Third St. Admission: $10, includes skates; $5, spectators. greenportamericanlegion.org.
Tuesdays, noon-3:30 p.m.: Bingo at Southold American Legion, 51655 Main Road. 631-765-2276.
Saturdays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Docent-led tours at Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Tickets: $15, adults; $10, seniors and children. 631-298-5292, hallockville.org.
Saturdays, 7 p.m.-midnight: Stargazing at Custer Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold, weather permitting. Suggested donation: adults, $5; under 12, $3. 631-765-2626, custerobservatory.org.
Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: Blacksmithing demonstrations with Tom Barry at Village Blacksmith Shop, 101 Front St., Greenport. 631-477-2100, eastendseaport.org.
Through July: Toy Stories: The simple and joyous forms of childhood, watercolors by Stephen Larese, at Southold Free Library. Information: southoldlibrary.org.
Through July 7: Manhattan to Plum Island: Mysteries of the New York Archipelago, a photography exhibition by Thomas Halaczinsky at Floyd Memorial Library, Greenport. Information: floydmemoriallibrary.org.
Saturdays and Sundays, noon-6 p.m. through June 10: In Flower group exhibition curated by Dena Zemsky, with works by Anne Abrons, Louise Crandell, Gary DiPasquale, Garance, Naomi Machado, Ellen Wiener, Dena Zemsky and Arne Svenson at Vine and Sand, 47100 Main Road, Southold. Appointments: 631-620-9253.
Through May: Captured Moments, photography by Hollye Gilbride, at Mattituck-Laurel Library. Information: mattitucklaurellibrary.org.
Through October: A Sportsman’s Paradise: Man and Nature in Suffolk County’s Past at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Assortment of hunting equipment, hand-carved decoys, duck boats, fishing gear, themed toys, clothing, magazines and more. 631-727-2881, suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org.
Wednesdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: Suffolk County: A Timeline Experience at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Interactive exhibit of artifacts, documents, photos and digital experiences provides a comprehensive timeline of Suffolk County history. 631-727-2881, suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org.