Hillary Clinton-Produced Broadway Play Bombs, Now Sitting at Bottom 23% in Audience Draw

A musical for which Hillary Clinton is a co-producer is wallowing at the bottom of the pack on Broadway.

The show “Suffs” tells the story of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States from 1913 to 1920.

According to Fox News, on Broadway Theatre Industry official site “The Broadway League,” attendance numbers show most theater-goers have found something else to watch.

The data showed “Suffs”  hit 81 percent capacity in eight performances the week of May 5, and was in the bottom eight shows in its category — the bottom 23 percent of all 35 shows playing that week.

The week before, the show hit 78 percent capacity, Fox reported.


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Numbers like that “spell potential trouble for a new show that should still be drawing big crowds during Broadway’s peak season — the month before the Tony Awards,” Breitbart noted on Wednesday.

“To put the Suffs numbers in perspective, the new Broadway musical Lempicka just posted a closing notice after playing to 83 percent capacity last week.”

The musical opened on Broadway in April after an off-Broadway run that began in 2022.

The show was written by Shaina Taub, who also stars.

It was directed by Leigh Silverman, and produced by lead producers Jill Furman and Rachel Sussman. Nobel winner Malala Yousafzai is also a co-producer.

According to Breitbart, Meena Harris, niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, is also a co-producer.

In an interview last week, Clinton said the play was topical and important.

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“In this election year, we need a lot of joy to be honest,” she said on the “Morning Joe” show Thursday, according to MSNBC.

“Going to see how the struggle finally ended for women to get the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment is not only a thrilling experience because of the extraordinary work that [Taub] has done in bringing this piece of history to life in such an entertaining way, but it’s so relevant today,” Clinton said.

“Suffs” has an all-female cast, which meant that President Woodrow Wilson was played by a woman, Grace McLean.

Clinton used the show as a vehicle for a fundraiser for President Joe Biden, Breitbart reported, with cast members performing at the April 3 event.

The play’s budget was $19 million, according to The New York Times.


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In reviewing the three-hour show, theater critic Maya Phillips wrote in the Times that “the whole production feels so attuned to the gender politics and protests of today, so aware of possible critiques that it takes on its subject with an overabundance of caution.”

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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