In Memoriam: Remembering those we lost in 2022

There are a couple of old sayings that sum up our feelings when important people in our lives pass away.

The ranks are thinning, you will hear, as well as that the cemeteries are filled with irreplaceable people. Both statements are true and untrue since every day people pick up a fallen standard. Even though we’re diminished by the deaths of those who have dedicated their unique lives to doing good, there are always others who are ready to replace them, even when we’re sometimes left with an emotional void that will never allow us to feel whole again.

A family mourns loved ones who are gone, and a community also can mourn the loss of people who thinned the ranks through their passing.

The following is a list of obituaries published by The Suffolk Times for Southold area residents and public figures who died in 2022.

Click on the name of the deceased to read more about their life:


Gudrun Agnes (Hofstad) Abolins

Dorothea Adriatico

Annette T. Aglora

Agnes Alexander

Elizabeth M. Alfano

Phyllis D. Anderson-Thomas

John V. Anemoyanis

Dolores Elise Angevine

Vasken Antranig Arslanian

Virginia M. Asip


Anna Bajlak

Alfredo Barreda

Patricia A. Barry

Joseph L. Barwick

Karan E. Bauer

Lina Bacchiavini Benolich

Robert J. (Bobby) Bergen

Steven Berger

Patricia M. Bidwell

Lynda Lee Biedermann

Jack Birkmier

Edwin Joseph Blesch

Robert E. ‘Swede’ Boergesson

Waddie M. Bolling Jr.

Ruth Ann Mosback Bramson

Steven Broach

Joseph Brown III

David Browne

Brice Edward Bucholz

Joan Norkelun Buckley

Catherine M. Bumble

Bernadette A. Burns

Paul Burns Sr.

Mary Rose Butler


Christopher A. Caccese

Louis Caracciolo

Jean Ann Carpenter

Lynda Simmons Carpenter

Gerard S. Case

James ‘Jim’ Cassel

Richard Allen Cavagnaro

Donna K. Chabot

Mary M. Christian

Raymond L. Chute

Edward Leo Coakley

Thomas Conway

Kevin Corwin

Mark Corwin

James P. ‘Jim’ Costello

Janet L. Evans Croce

Kevin Howell Curcuru


Anthony D’Alessandro

Kathleen T. D’Angelo

Edward G. Danowski

Francis Deegan

James DelGiorno

Anthony John DeMaula Jr.

Billy DePetris Sr.

Richard DiBlasi

John Philip Dietzel

Lucas Benjamin Digons

Anne Terry Dixon

Gilbert Terry Dixon

Joseph E. Doherty

Anna Gerke Donnelly

Michael Merritt Donovan

Alice M. Doroski

Robert M. Doroski

Vera D. Doroski

Carolee ‘Deets’ Doucett

Robert W. Doucett Jr.

Robert Drews

Agnes Malinauskas Dunn

Geraldine ‘Gerry’ Dickerson Dunn

Michael D. Dunn


Thomas Walter Eccles

Susan E. Egan

Anna Engelhardt

John Epidy

Edward J. Erdman

William Watson Esseks

Walter E. Evans

Lois Pike Eyre


Lilia ‘Lily’ Falleti

Helen Elizabeth Farrell

Denise Feeley-Manarel

Teresa Fetten

Russell ‘Terry’ Finkle Sr.

Dorothy Florence Burger Fitzgerald

Verna Petty Fitzpatrick

Joan A. Flanagan

Anne G. Flood

Jill Susan Fogarty

Louis A. ‘Lou’ Formica

Carol Ann Freeman

Kay Freeman


Francis X. Gallagher

Michael Francis Gallagher

Patricia ‘Patty’ (Kennedy) Gannon

John P. Gantly

Mark P. Gaynor

Peter Joseph Gensler

Jane Gibbons

Virginia Rose Gilfillan

Ralph Graham Glover

Joanne Goerler

Cynthia Lee Goldsmith-Agosta

Carl E. Goss

Alice Ernyey Grace

Ralph C. Grandinetti

James F. Grathwohl

Alease Grigg


Carl H. Haasper

Erin Ann Hagerty

Gregory G. Hallock

Joan Hallock

Beth Harrison

John W. Harrison

Barbara A. Haugland

Victoria G. (Danowski) Heaney

Joan A. Heppner

Marie Jeanette (Allen) Holmes

James F. Homan

David Gerald Hommel

Karen Lynne Horne (Grant)

Dorothy Joan Horton

Robert ‘Duane’ Horton

Schuyler Wentworth Horton II

Timothy Hough


Delio G. Izzillo


Jerry E. Jacobs

Alberta V. Jaeger

Mary Frances Jarusiewic

Robert Johnson


Francis A. Kahn Jr.

Joseph Patrick Kane

Carol Ann Kannwischer

Frances A. Kayton

William J. ‘Danny’ Kennedy

Eileen J. King

Vincenza P. Kislow

Arthur ‘Artie’ Klein

David F. Klenawicus

Harold J. Kober

John J. Kosinski

Margaret Kroleski

Ann T. Krom

Diane C. Kruk

Joseph F. Krukowski

Margaret Krukowski

George Louis Kunz


Georgiana Demarest Lanza

Douglas M. Latney Sr.

Marion Louise Latney

Joel Lauber

Mamie A. ‘Dolly’ Lawson

Donald Frank Lechtrecker

Robert Lehmann

Elsi Lekich

Kalliope Lios

Richard L. Llewellyn

Carol Anne Loper

Pamela Ann Luce


Joseph Magagnin

Richard Neil Magill

Ann Marmon Mallouk

Patricia M. Malone

Catherine M. Marangas

Clint Marczewski

Mary P. ‘Maureen’ Maroney

Ginny Marquardt

Jeanne Patricia Marriner

Bradley James Martin

Diane Lillian Maseroni

Elinor Murphy May

Kent Beebe McCarthy

Linda Ann McCullough

Ronald E. McEvoy

Katherine Rita McGreevy

Carla Marie McMann

John R. McNulty

Jason Carter Jones Mealy

Elizabeth Rose ‘Betty’ Mele

Barbara Memola

Bernard William Meyer

Mildred C. Meyer

Marsha E. Mickoliger

Cynthia Minnick

Sylvia Molloy

Anna L. Montes de Oca

Philip James ‘Phil’ Montgomery Sr.

Anita Moran

Margaret Lynn Morgan

Ira Sanders Mothner

Richard Motschenbacher

Ann Mowdy

Philip E. Mullen Jr.

Robert ‘Bob’ Murray

Lorna Jean Musnicki

Ruth M. Myers

Marjorie Traffica Mysliborski


Koula Neamonitis

Kathleen Rowan Neumann

Dylan Newman

Raymond F. Nine

Gary R. Nodine

Anne Nolan

Ronald Mark Norklun

Joann Theresa Nowaski


Richard ‘Richie’ Okula

Scott Oliver

Charlotte A. O’Neill

Felix ‘Nuge’ Orlowski

John F. O’Shea

Margaret Othen

Robert Othen


Mary R. Park

Robert M. Patchell

Kimberly Ann Pawlowski

Robert David Pedersen

Anthony Pedone

Sylvia ‘Sibby’ Vojvoda Penny

Fred David Perrin

John ‘Jack’ Peters

Mary M. Peters

Dorothy Pfalzer

Williette Johnston Piccozzi

Irving G. Pitman

Denise Plastiras

Karen A. Pollack

Helen Proud

Diane Katherine Purcell


William H. Quarty Sr.

Edna T. Quatroche

Arthur Quintana

Mark Quintana


David Brian Rackett

Harriet Rackovitch

Joseph Francis Radich

Margaret Radich

Richard ‘Dick’ Conklin Reeve

Mary C. Reichert

Steven Lawrence ‘Larry’ Reiter

Karen C. Rellstab

Eric Young Reynal

James H. ‘Jim’ Rich Jr.

Marjorie K. Richards

Helen J. Rosenblum

Phyllis A. Ross

Barbara Rubenstein

Emmie Lohr Rusch

Virginia Cochran Rusch

Patricia Guinan Rushin


Mary Ann (Lesica) Salamay

Maureen Sanders

Joseph J. Santora Jr.

Joan A. Saunders

Edward B. Sawicki

Beverly Schanzer

Daniel B. Scharadin

Paul A. Schineller

Rita Ann Schmidt

Carolyn J. Schnebel

Helen Mary Schoenthaler

Rita Marie Schrader

John Greyson Scott

Jane Catherine Shannon

Roxann Elizabeth Shepish

Gloria Shirvell

Althea H. Sidor

Carolyn J. Sidor

Arthur F. Siemerling

John ‘Checkers’ Simchick

Benjamin Skubliskas

Joseph L. Slavonik

Ann ‘Nancy’ Stott Oddy Smith

Mary Hallock Smith

Wendy W. Smith

Sister Margaret Smyth

Arkadiusz Solowinski

Brian A. Staples

Agnes M. ‘Sis’ Stark

Donald J. Staron

Angelo Stavropoulos

Anthony Philip Steigerwald

Frances J. Stelzer

Theodore ‘Teddy’ Stepnowsky

Marilynn Schade Stewart

Irma Strimban

Alba Sucich

John L. Sumwalt

Nancy J. Sweeney

Ford Vernon Swick

John M. Szymczak


John Talmage

William Francis ‘Bill’ Taylor

Carol Terry

Maria Routh Terry

Malcolm Thompson

Janet T. Thorp

Patricia Janet Tramposch

Robert Patrick Travers

Donna Lee Turbush

Hope Ellen Tuthill


Elizabeth Ann Andrews Vail

Anne Valkovic

William ‘Bill’ Velys

Peter J. Victoria

Denise Kaelin Voight

Michael C. Volinski


Patricia Marie Walsh

Emma Waskewicz

Louise Waskewicz

Louis Waski Jr.

Margit Triska Olstad Webb

Joseph Ross Wells

Linda J. Wheeler

Richard Wheeler

Robert J. Wheeler III

Steven Howard White

Nancy Elizabeth Wickham

Bertha A. Wilcenski

Roman J. Wilinski

Richard Wilton

James Kenneth Winchester

John Wissemann

James R. Woodhull Sr.

Rosemary T. Wysocki


Victor Joseph Zupa

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