Another ‘Big Name’ About to Be Axed from CNN? ‘He Does Not Have a Place’

The Twittersphere has erupted in a macabre guessing game of who will walk the plank at CNN after one commentator said a well-known name will soon be vanishing.

Speculation that faces viewers know and may or may not love would be disappearing has been rife for months, ever since Chris Licht became the new CEO of CNN upon the merger of Discovery and Warner Media.

Former CNN host Brian Stelter’s “Reliable Sources” show has been canceled. Last month, the network, which has placed third behind top-rated Fox News and MSNBC, moved faces to new places in its prime-time lineup.

And now, Jon Nicosia is saying more is to come.

Nicosia is not just another guy with a crystal ball.  As noted by the site Louder with Crowder, he was among the first to reveal Stelter was on his way out, and in August was tipping off viewers that CNN was shifting its lineup.


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First came a drum roll from Nicosia: “SCOOP: Another “big name” about to exit @CNN. (Stay tuned).”

Then he quoted a Discovery executive he did not name as saying, “He does not have a place in the new CNN. He reminds us of the Zucker period we are looking to move far from. The only reason he is still on air was not to look like we were ‘cleaning house’ for political reasons right after the closing.”

Jeff Zucker is the former CEO of CNN who left under a cloud in January after a long-time relationship with a female CNN executive became public.

Do you think CNN is a reliable news company?

For those with minimal patience, Friday is approaching, and Nicosia added a follow-up tweet saying,  “I agreed not to report the name until the end of the week.”

That led to a round of speculation.


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The “Louder with Crowder” post on the changes ended with a coy bit of predicting.

“I’m not one to gossip. But if I were to guess, there is only one man I can think of who would be getting wished well in his future endeavors. But we have to wait until the end of the week to find out for sure,” the post read, linking along the way to a “Louder with Crowder” piece on Jim Acosta.

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