When Congressman Tom Suozzi (D–Glen Cove) announced that he would not be seeking reelection and instead challenged Governor Kathy Hochul in the Democratic primary (he lost), it opened the seat to any number of candidates. The Third District covers all of the north shore in Nassau County with parts in Queens and Suffolk as well. The primary election will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 23. Democratic candidates include Melanie D’Arrigo (also running on the Working Families Party line), Jon Kaiman, Joshua Lafazan, Reema Rasool and Robert Zimmerman. George Devolder-Santos is not facing a primary challenge and will be the Republican and Conservative candidate for the general election in November.
Elise Kestenbaum, Great Neck
I am endorsing Jon Kaiman and will be voting for him for Congress on Aug. 23. I know him as a friend, community member and a public servant.
I have watched him and his wife, Kim, lovingly raise their children, involving themselves on a personal level with the schools, the synagogue, and the community at large-giving of themselves in every way they could.
Through Jon’s leadership as a public servant for the past 24 years in many roles, including deputy county executive of Suffolk County, Town of North Hempstead supervisor, Nassau County District Court judge, NYS Adviser for Sandy recovery, and chairman of the Nassau County Interim Finance Authority, he has provided service to our community at large and has developed and initiated programs that have made a difference in our lives.
I want him to be able to carry on his good work. I am also aligned with his positions on many issues, including his efforts to ban assault weapons and his support of public safety, legislation and initiatives to protect our environment, his involvement in fighting for legislation to protect a women’s right to choose, and his support of the Equality Act.
Please join me and vote for Jon Kaiman so that he can continue to make our community and our country a safer, more inclusive, environmentally sound place where we can raise our children and our children’s children.
Frances Belzer-Reid, Northport
Former Town of North Hempstead chief sustainability officer
I am supporting Jon Kaiman for Congress for the Third District because I know first hand, what an exceptional public servant he is both personally and professionally.
As a volunteer in Great Neck with the mentally disabled. I approached the Great Neck Park District for an hour to swim with the clients. I was told that the house was in Great Neck, but the clients were not residents and although I was a resident, the answer was no. I was stunned.
I called the new Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, who had never met me. He simply answered the cold call of a constituent. I explained my plight and without hesitation he said, “your clients can use any North Hempstead Town Pool.”
There was nothing in it for him except doing the right thing. No press, no vote, no fanfare, no donation. That’s a true public servant and that’s Jon Kaiman. That’s the kind of person that I want representing me in Congress. One that listens to everyone, is accessible, compassionate and a proven leader.
As the Town of North Hempstead’s chief sustainability officer, Jon Kaiman had the town become the first local municipality to coordinate a recycling program with its school districts in the country.
The program began with recycling and grew to include a recycled art contest, video contest, community gardens, composting, “Trashion” Show & Recycle The Rain rain barrel programs—all in partnership with our schools districts.
Jon Kaiman’s vision was innovative, brave, collaborative and created future stewards of the environment. That’s who I want representing me in Congress.
Abe Kanfer, Great Neck
As a resident in the Town of North Hempstead, I have seen what Jon Kaiman brings to the table as a politician that actually gets things done. Whether it is negotiating contracts with town employees or creating programs that help constituents, like seniors, get more service at less cost to all, Jon has a keen sense of fiscal responsibility.
His mainstream Democratic positions, on the social issues is the same way I feel. As a congressman he can have an impact on protecting women’s rights and banning assault weapons. Most importantly, he can be our voice in protecting voting rights. His local leadership has already demonstrated what a smart and motivated person can accomplish for the greater good. Isn’t our country in need of more responsible and sane people in office?
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone
I have known Jon Kaiman for many years. We have worked together in many different capacities, and I can tell you this: Jon Kaiman is one of the most effective leaders in government in New York State today.
He has a proven record of getting things done and because of his work in Suffolk County as deputy county executive, the county is a statewide leader in issues that are critical to all of us. These include combating the opioid epidemic, clean energy, public safety and police reform, and water quality.
On issue after issue, Jon Kaiman has led the way. That is why I am supporting him for Congress in these very difficult times in our country. We need proven leadership to go down to Washington and fight for us. I can tell you this also, Jon has been a fighter his entire career. He is always willing to stand up for the things he believes in, for our families and communities.
That is why I am supporting him for Congress and I am urging you to do the same. We need him in Washington. We need him fighting for Long Island down in Washington.