Watters Claims Pelosi Trial Guilty of ‘Blatantly Corrupt’ Rigging – Paul Was More Than A Little Drunk

Fox News host Jesse Watters gave an irreverent critique of the justice system’s willingness to kowtow to the rich and famous Tuesday night in a scathing segment on the DUI trial of Paul Pelosi.

Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was in a May 28 crash in Napa, California. He faces an arraignment Wednesday on two DUI charges.

Paul Pelosi was slurring his words and unsteady, court documents said, according to the New York Post. The 82-year-old also smelled of alcohol, according to the documents.

“His eyes appears red/watery, he was unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath,” the complaint reads.


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Or, as Watters said it, “Papa Paulie P was absolutely plastered.”

Watters, who has been a critic of how Paul Pelosi’s case has been handled, lashed out Tuesday night on Fox News after a last-minute switch in judges replaced the judge scheduled to hear the case with Judge Monique Langhorne.

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Watters said Langhorne is a Democrat, which aligns with information published prior to her 2020 election as a Superior Court Judge in Napa county.

“This is totally deck-stacking if I’ve ever seen it,” he said, according to Fox News.

“How can we expect a fair trial here when the judge and the prosecutors are all politically on the same side as the defendant, [and] financially connected? There’s a family connection we’ve told you about, too. Can you say rigged?” he said.

Watters alleged that the assistant district attorney who will prosecute the case donated to Langhorne’s campaign, as did District Attorney Allison Haley.

“Look, we get it. Paul’s married to a California bigwig. He and Nancy are Golden State royalty, but they shouldn’t get a free pass,” Watters said.

Watters noted that the arrest report said Paul Pelosi was “under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug.”


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Pelosi’s attorney, Amanda Bevins, dismissed the significance Watters found in the language.

“I believe that the drug reference is part of the statutory boilerplate language in the complaint,” she said.

Fox News reported that when asked for his license, Paul Pelosi handed officers an “11-99 Foundation” card, according to the documents. The 11-99 Foundation is a California Highway Patrol charity for officers and their children.

“In other words, implying, ‘Hey guys, I’m a donor. I can be an even bigger donor if we can, you know, work this out,’” Watters said, giving his interpretation of the incident.

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