Liz Cheney Gets Desperate, Uses Famous Hollywood Liberal to Get People of Wyoming to Vote for Her

Wyoming Republicans may have come to dislike Rep. Liz Cheney for turning on the GOP and joining the Democrats’ witch hunt over the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, but it seems like Hollywood liberals still love her.

So she has that going for her. Which is nice.

Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is in serious trouble in the polls with the Wyoming primaries two weeks away. Polls have placed her as far as 30 points behind challenger Harriet Hageman in the GOP race, according to Newsweek.

Last week, the Casper Star-Tribune reported its latest poll of registered voters in Wyoming showed Cheney with a measly 30 percent of support to 52 percent for Hageman, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump. And early voting has already begun.

The congresswoman, of course, voted to impeach Trump in the wake of the supposed “insurrection” and then compounded that insolence by being one of only two turncoat Republicans to give cover to the Democrats’ Jan. 6 kangaroo committee.


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Recrimination was swift for Cheney. Soon after her vote to impeach Trump, the Wyoming GOP voted to censure her actions, and it wasn’t even close. Only eight Republicans of the 74-member central committee voted against the censure.

Still, despite the election hanging over her head like the Sword of Damocles, Cheney was delighted when liberal actor Kevin Costner — who endorsed Pete Buttigieg in the 2020 Democratic primary race — took to social media this week to announce his support for her doomed campaign.

Despite having no lasting ties to Wyoming, Costner was seen on the set of “Yellowstone,” his TV series about a dysfunctional, corrupt family ranch in Montana, wearing a T-Shirt with “I’m for Liz Cheney” emblazoned on it.

Cheney was thrilled, sharing the photo of the Hollywood star’s endorsement on Twitter and declaring, “Real men put country over party.”

One wonders whether those thousands of Wyoming men who are voting for Hageman appreciate that Cheney is suggesting they aren’t real men.

CNN recently tried to gauge state voters’ level of support for the congresswoman and was shocked at how dismal her chances of re-election seem.

The Cowboy State apparently is ready to move on from the Cheney era.


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Randi Kaye of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” went to the Frontier Days rodeo in Cheyenne in a desperate attempt to find Cheney supporters. The result was disheartening for those “real men” Cheney is all excited about.

Kaye found a mere two Cheney supporters among scores of detractors — both men and women — in a video that is certainly painful to watch for the congresswoman’s campaign.

Will Cheney’s finger-wagging with the help of Hollywood elites win these grassroots Wyoming voters back to her side? One could hardly think it would be a winning strategy.

For his part, Trump has gone all in to defeat Cheney. During a May rally in Casper, for instance, he not only took a slap at the congresswoman, but he also blasted her whole family as “globalists and warmongers.”

He predicted the people of Wyoming would soon rise up to tell Cheney, “You’re fired.”

Cheney might have the support of super-rich members of the Hollywood elite who have no ties to Wyoming, but that probably won’t help her too much come Aug. 16.


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