In Damning Accidental Email to Reporter, DC Archdiocese Reveals Policy for Complaints About Pelosi and Abortion

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., has admitted that it is erecting a wall of silence around the issue of pro-abortion Catholic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi receiving communion.

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone last week said he would bar Pelosi from receiving communion due to her increasingly aggressive support for abortion.

Under Catholic doctrine, abortion is a sin. The issue of whether to give communion to high-profile elected officials who cheer on abortion has been debated for years but surfaced anew after the election of pro-abortion Catholic Joe Biden as president.

According to the Washington Examiner, the publication reached out to the archdiocese for comment after Pelosi was given communion while attending Mass in Washington on Sunday.


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The communications office for Archbishop Wilton Gregory sent this as a reply.

“Just sharing for you to know what comes in,” the email stated. “Email since Saturday, when I last checked the comms inbox has just been a couple of random people wanting to tell the Cardinal to bring down the hammer on Pelosi. Aside from Jack Jenkins at RNS, this is the only new media inquiry. It will be ignored, too.”

Diocesan spokeswoman Patricia Zapor followed up to clarify that no comment meant no comment.

Should Nancy Pelosi be given communion in a Catholic church?

“I apologize for the mistaken email,” she wrote. “We have not been responding to inquiries on this topic because Cardinal [Wilton] Gregory’s position has not changed from what he has said in the past.”

“Cardinal Gregory has no new comment about the issue of Catholic politicians receiving Communion. The actions of Archbishop Cordileone are his decision to make in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Cardinal Gregory has not instructed the priests of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to refuse Communion to anyone.”


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In September, Gregory spoke about the issue, according to Fox News, saying bishops are “not there as police, we’re there as pastors, and as pastors, we certainly have to teach the faith of the Church. We have to be true to the Church’s heritage of faith, but we also have to bring people along with us. It is not simply a matter of pointing out their errors.”

According to the National Catholic Reporter, Cordileone said Pelosi was not “to be admitted” to Communion until she publicly disavows her “support for abortion ‘rights,’” confesses and receives absolution “for her cooperation in this evil.”

Cordileone said he went public with the ban “after numerous attempts to speak with her to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing and the danger to her own soul she is risking” as a pro-abortion Catholic.

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